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Hey NHL, how about no changing boards ads and no boards animations during game play? Very distracting.

Gaza’s top Islamic scholar issues fatwa against October attack

A fatwa is a non-binding Islamic legal ruling from a respected religious scholar usually based on the Quran or the Sunnah - the sayings and practices of the Prophet Muhammad.

Hanlon’s Razor: As stated by Robert. J. Hanlon, a heuristic telling us to “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

"I want to go to bed early to make tomorrow come quicker" - said by a 4 year old boy in anticipation of an upcoming NHL hockey game

"The nation voted without a conscience" - an American woman

Bitcoin has no intrinsic value, it is worth nothing. Just try to cash in when "The Big One" hits.

I believe Trump will attempt to eliminate presidential term limits.

America, you are unbelievable, and not in a good way!

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Jeremy's choices:


Nod: A sign that someone is aware of or wants to recognize the influence or importance of something. nod is a social media community powered by Mastodon.